Tronxy XY-3 Pro Review – 3D Printer at $399 with Free Shipping (Coupon)


With a generous print volume 300 x 300 x 400mm, Tronxy XY-3 Pro 3D Printer DIY Kit offers amazing print quality, making it one of the best 3D printers for professional use. XY-3 Pro is incredibly reliable when it comes to producing lager 3D models; and the accuracy of the 3D replications is incredibly impressive. If you need a large 3D printer that can reliably reproduce many 3D objects accurately; try Tronxy XY-3 Pro 3D Printer DIY Kit.

  Buy Tronxy XY-3 Pro 3D Printer at Tronxy online 


We thus find a printing volume of 300x300x400 mm with an aluminium chassis fitted; this time with reinforcements for better stability on tall prints. The Tronxy XY-3 Pro 3D Printer DIY Kit always comes with a heating plate associated; with an Ultrabase type printing plate, a V6 type head which now benefits; from more efficient ventilation. It is delivered with a 0.4 mm nozzle and thus offers a print resolution; varying from 0.04 to 0.3 mm in height per layer with a theoretical maximum speed of 150 mm / s. With the ability to print via your SD Card, you now have the liberty to move about with your computer while your 3D printer works. This affordable LCD 3D printer with a full-colour LCD controller touch screen is truly a great tool; it allows you to view and select files easily, making your printing process run all the more smooth.


Tronxy XY-3 Pro upgraded most details like adjustable nuts and heat dissipation. The magnetic build plate sticker works perfectly when printing; you can take off the model only in seconds; no more worrying about ruing the model. Features wireless printing through an SD Card with a diverse; multi-faceted graphic LCD controller – Never get caught up in wires again! The high-performance silent motherboard ultra-quiet motherboard of the Tronxy XY-3 Pro is powered by an ARM SoC and a TMC ultra-silent driver; which makes the printing process quieter, more accurate and stable. The whole printing progress can record automatically and the machine will restart to resume printing in breakpoint after a power failure. What happens if your filament breaks; runs out, or turns into a plate of spaghetti? For all these situations, the print fails, wasting plastic and time? Don`t worry. It will stop printing automatically and emit a warning sound.


The Tronxy XY-3 Pro 3D Printer DIY Kit offers amazing print quality, making it one of the best 3D printers for professional use. XY-3 Pro is incredibly reliable when it comes to producing lager 3D models, and the accuracy of the 3D replications is incredibly impressive. We can buy it from Tronxy online at $399 and ship from EU Stock with free shipping.



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